Wednesday, December 29, 2010

To accomplish nothing, make a list.

So I woke up this morning with my bold to-do list, we all have one via phone, post it, or in my case my precious planner that I unfortunately neglect about 6 month out of the year, but I insist on buying, one after the other convincing myself that this is the one that will keep me on track. I feel organized and ready to conquer the world, but 3 hours after waking up I reflect on the things I have accomplished and realize that not one of them was on my list.

So, I start to panic and attempt to do all of them at once, half way through paying my phone bill I decided I needed a strawberry then of course that they all needed to be cut and put in a Tupperware, which then lead to cleaning the kitchen and a realization that I hadn’t had my morning coffee. After making coffee I noticed the dishes—I think you get where I am going with this.

What is it about a to-do list that makes everything else seem more important?

I should really make a list of things I do not want to accomplish, then maybe I will have a list to dominate.

So, after finishing that sentence I realized how beautiful the beach was looking and decided I needed to go for my run. When I get overwhelmed that’s always the answer, kind of poetic—can’t do, just run… away! Unfortunately I always find myself running back. At least I’m being honest, I could have told you I buckled down and proudly crossed out each item on my list, but hey my run was on there, so not a complete failure.

As far as my New Year resolution is going I sat in front of my closet looking at the graveyard of shoes. At first it was easy, but then I got to a pair of heels that I have owned, no joke, for 7 years—at least! Every time I do my donations I stare at these shoes and for whatever reason can’t let them go. In seven years I can say I have worn them ONE TIME! Why do I love them—strong word, I know. Anyway, after carrying them around the house I put them on for the second time.

Ten minutes later I took them off, closed my eyes and threw them in the box. I opened my eyes and realized that the world didn’t end. All hell broke loose—I am now sitting and staring at Lawlor Mountain—a pile of unworn, unloved possessions that I undoubtedly won’t miss.

I’m ashamed to say I still have 15 pairs of shoes sitting in my closet, but in my defense all of which fit on my shoe rack--when did people start owning so many shoes that it lead to inspire an entire industry of racks? There may be a Round 3 in my endeavor of unburdening myself of footwear, because the rack looks like it is one flip flop away from caving in the middle.

In a final note blogging was not on my list, but I discreetly wrote it down as if someone would jump out of the closet to call me out. So, as I post this I can cross another off of the list, it’s the small rewards you have to give yourself.

Fortunately, the next three items require internet to accomplish, so if I can keep myself from signing on Facebook I think I can get on a roll here!
Yours truly.

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